- Fischlhammer, Laura & Sabrina Guhe. From 19th century petition letters to 21th century Google revies – continuities and changes in complaint practice.
- Guhe, Sabrina. A corpus-based study on the variation of (in)directness in complaints in the German-speaking area.
- Hoffmeister, Toke & Philipp Striedl. Towards a cross-linguistic framework for analysing speakers’ representations of linguistic variation.
- Striedl, Philipp. Representations of meta-pragmatic variation in media discourses.
- Zoske, Janel, Henrik Discher, Tanja Ackermann & Horst Simon. Variational pragmatics of German: The effect of 'region' and other micro- and macro-social factors.
Zeit & Ort
08.07.2024 - 11.07.2024
Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften & Universität Wien